Thursday, March 12, 2015

"'Cause I'm Just A Teenage Dirtbag, Baby."

I think I am the worst blogger in history. No, scratch that, I am the worst blogger in history. It's been over a month since I last posted anything on this site and I really don't have any excuse for it other than I just plain did not want to. I wasn't feeling it. When you write, you have to actually FEEL like writing in order to produce something worth reading. Lately, that's just how I've felt. I mean, I've started posts and then saved them to be drafts that will most likely never be published. Even now, the only reason why I am writing is because I don't have anything else to do. It's spring break and I am doing just that: taking a break. I've slept 12+ hours, binge watched the full 1st season of Jane the Virgin, made a spotify playlist, and stuffed my face with food. Don't judge me just yet, I have left my house numerous times since the break started but not to get sh*t-faced with my friends or anything in that category. Clearly, I am not the 21 year old that the movies love to portray and I am just fine with that because alcohol poisoning just doesn't sound appealing. (currently jamming out to the 90 Sweet 90's Hits! playlist on spotify.) *insert one person wave here*

Anyway, there's only 3 days left until school starts again and I'm just going with the flow. I'm actually thinking about starting a dream journal because my dreams have been "insane in the membrane" lately. I swear, some of my dreams could actually be a movie if I could fill in the missing pieces. It would be incredible. 

Speaking of incredible things, how about this quote, huh? "Nothing will ruin your 20's more than thinking you should have your life together already." (found via tumblr). I thought that was pretty great to the point where I literally stared at these words for more than a minute and I thought I should share. Speaking from the view of someone who has a lot of people in her life currently that are her age and are getting married, having children, graduating from college, and even getting their own apartments, I feel like it's important for me to keep in mind that I am not falling behind. I am genuinely very happy for all of these people, but their accomplishments are not what should be defined as my failure. People run at different speeds and it just so happens that there are a lot of people that are faster than I am. That's okay! It's great for them and it's great for me! I just think that if you just so happen to be one of those people who is at a faster speed than I am, one of the first questions you ask someone like me should NOT be "SO, when are you getting married/having kids or what are you doing after college?" Because the answer is, "I don't know." Unless you want the sassy answer which in that case it's, "I don't know but what's your cause of death? Oh, you don't know? Well, neither do I." (Disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form angry with anyone. Don't worry.)  

Wow, I actually wrote a decent amount on this post. 
I continue to surprise myself. 

Until Next Time, Lis

P.S.- Do you know how creepy and uncomfortable it is for someone who doesn't see us on a regular basis to ask the boyfriend and I, "When are you getting married/having kids?" just because YOU are married/engaged and have/are having kids? *shivers* (Don't do this!)