Sunday, September 21, 2014

No Time For Bad Vibes, Bruh.

Hello again, internet.

It is I, Lis, with some more ramblings that have been floating around in my head.

One thing, among an endless list of many, that I have learned after graduating is that you don't always keep in touch with the same people you devoted yourself to in high school. As I am sure many of you graduates already know or will soon come to know, it is completely true that you will grow apart from some people. Or maybe a lot of people, like I did. Hey, and that's alright. There is no written law that states that you have to stay friends with your high school buddies forever and ever.

When you graduate and start your life, you are also starting the journey to finding out just who you are. Unfortunately, most of the time, your high school mates don't fit in with that self discovery. You can either keep them and probably find yourself in uncomfortable positions or you can admit to yourself that they don't have a place in your life anymore and escort them out of that imaginary door you have in your head right now. Admitting that you have grown apart from someone is not a bad thing especially if the other person agrees with it. A lot of the time, people keep friendships going that shouldn't be because they were friends in high school and deleting them off your social media will make you feel guilty. I'm one of those people!

I'm not saying comb through your friends list right now and delete every single person you don't talk to anymore. It's good to keep friendships that you are genuinely invested in. The point is that if you are feeling bad about recently letting go of a friendship, it gets better. You will meet a group of friends that understand who you are and share your interests. You will meet a group of friends that are fully capable of spending every weekend at Denny's or Ihop to the point where you now have regular both restaurants. You'll find a group that is willing to spend a night playing RISK and eating candy until your stomachs hurt. You'll find a group that will get super competitive playing Just Dance.

I have found this group and they are amazing, wonderful people that have been in my life since middle school. We didn't talk much then and I am positive that if we were as close back then as we are now, high school would've been such a smooth ride!


Excuse me, I don't know where that came from.

Anyway, the path to self discovery is a long one. There is no room and no time for bad vibes. If you feel like you genuinely can not be friends with someone anymore, just let them go. Sooner or later they will understand and it's going to feel bad for a while and you are going to miss them but it gets better.

Until next time,


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Don't Eat Corn If You Don't Like It

I've spent the last few days trying to figure out what to write about and then I thought "well, don't over think it. Just type." So here I am doing just that!

College is amazing. There are interesting people, funny professors, and everyone is or was in the same position you are in now. I've had a great 4 years of college and I have literally just begun. I changed my major twice! My first and longest standing major was veterinary medicine. Then I thought, "Hey, you cried during Marley and Me and during Beverly Hills Chihuahua when the female chihuahua hit her head on a rock. Do you really want to be a vet?" So then I switched my major to veterinary technology. However, I was still unsure. After working at PetCo, I realized I did not want anything to do with having to see an animal dying, upset, or in even the slightest bit of pain. What was I to do though? I had always wanted to be a veterinarian, probably since I could walk. Loving animals is really one of the biggest parts of who I am and I was at a standstill.

Last semester, in the spring, I registered for an art class; sculpting. It was love at first sculpture. Art has always been on the back burner for me. I never thought of myself as an artist or someone who could become one. I had always had my eyes set on the more scientific aspect of myself. Who knew that the key to happiness involved the fast moving tornado that is art? Everyone assumes being an art major is the easiest thing in the world. It isn't! It's tough, challenging, and you have to have creativity spewing out of your pores! Not to mention, the creative thoughts don't stop once you leave the classroom. Every moment of the day, my thoughts are turning every day objects into, "oh, that would make a great piece" or "darn! I really want to draw that!" This semester, I am taking ceramics with one of the most amazing professors I've ever had the pleasure of working with. I'm also sharing this experience with my wonderful boyfriend and another person whom I consider to be one of my best friends.

You're probably wondering why I am telling you this. Here's why. I was in your shoes. I spent 3 years thinking I was happy with my major when in reality, I wasn't. Although it may not seem like it, it was a tough decision to change my major to art. It is not the end of the world and luckily, I have a very supportive family and great friends that helped push me towards doing what makes me happy. College is about finding yourself and figuring out who you want to be for the rest of your life. It is difficult but the outcome is worth it.

Don't get me wrong, kuddos to all you kiddos aspiring to be a vet. Some things are just not meant for everyone. It's kind of like eating corn when in reality you hate corn. Don't do it if it doesn't make you feel good!

Until next time,


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hello, My Name Is...

I'm new to this whole "write out your thoughts on the internet and hope people actually read it and connect with you" thing. I have to say it was so incredibly hard to START writing. I've had the idea to start a blog in my head for about 3 months now, and finally after arguing with my conscious whether or not it would be a good idea, I have brought it to life.

The reason why I am starting a blog is because I have a lot of thoughts, and although I have a really great group of friends and family who will listen to those thoughts, I don't think it would be ideal to constantly talk their ears off. I mean, they need their ears. I also think this whole blog thing will be a great way to improve my writing. No, I'm not a writer. Nor do I plan on being a writer, but I have always loved the idea of writing and if you interview my English teachers through the years, I think they would say I am quite good at it. Not like Harper Lee good, but decent. 

What I am though, is a college student, an artist, a daughter, a granddaughter, a Christian, a best friend, a sister, a girlfriend (a GREAT one, if I do say so myself), an animal lover, a Whovian, and an avid chocolate fanatic. Seriously though, give me some Ferrero Rocher and I will say nice things about you until the day I die. 

However, because I am all these things, and so much more, I do not have a set schedule when I plan on releasing my thoughts out into the world. It will just happen, as I'm sure most bloggers do anyway. Hopefully, it won't be a once a month deal. I'm really hoping on a more than once a week deal. Who knows? Maybe I'll spit out some thoughts at the end of every day. I can't tell the future; that is one thing I'm not. That and a rapper. I can't rap to save my life. 

I suppose this will be the end of tonight's blog, on account that I really don't have much else to say. This whole post took me an hour to write. Mainly because writing is like speaking and I really don't want to bore anyone. I mean I'm just getting started! Can't have you bored after only one post! 

Until next time,
