Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hello, My Name Is...

I'm new to this whole "write out your thoughts on the internet and hope people actually read it and connect with you" thing. I have to say it was so incredibly hard to START writing. I've had the idea to start a blog in my head for about 3 months now, and finally after arguing with my conscious whether or not it would be a good idea, I have brought it to life.

The reason why I am starting a blog is because I have a lot of thoughts, and although I have a really great group of friends and family who will listen to those thoughts, I don't think it would be ideal to constantly talk their ears off. I mean, they need their ears. I also think this whole blog thing will be a great way to improve my writing. No, I'm not a writer. Nor do I plan on being a writer, but I have always loved the idea of writing and if you interview my English teachers through the years, I think they would say I am quite good at it. Not like Harper Lee good, but decent. 

What I am though, is a college student, an artist, a daughter, a granddaughter, a Christian, a best friend, a sister, a girlfriend (a GREAT one, if I do say so myself), an animal lover, a Whovian, and an avid chocolate fanatic. Seriously though, give me some Ferrero Rocher and I will say nice things about you until the day I die. 

However, because I am all these things, and so much more, I do not have a set schedule when I plan on releasing my thoughts out into the world. It will just happen, as I'm sure most bloggers do anyway. Hopefully, it won't be a once a month deal. I'm really hoping on a more than once a week deal. Who knows? Maybe I'll spit out some thoughts at the end of every day. I can't tell the future; that is one thing I'm not. That and a rapper. I can't rap to save my life. 

I suppose this will be the end of tonight's blog, on account that I really don't have much else to say. This whole post took me an hour to write. Mainly because writing is like speaking and I really don't want to bore anyone. I mean I'm just getting started! Can't have you bored after only one post! 

Until next time,


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