Thursday, October 2, 2014

You Are A Stunning Art Piece, Here's Why.

Hello, can you hear me now?

How about now?

I have been away from writing for quite a bit of days and the reason for this is simply because I had absolutely no idea what to write and school work was catching up to me. I apologize for the long wait but in all honesty, you can't rush a beginner writer.

I literally got inspiration for a new blog post by reading the comments left on a recently updated profile picture of mine. Now, I'm not going to give out any names because you don't really need to know, but what's important is what was said. The comment was made in regards to that person having low self esteem from seeing my picture. No! Unacceptable! That is not a compliment for me. It does not make me feel good knowing that you don't feel good about yourself.

Here's the truth behind that picture, I was simply having a really great day! My hair turned out the way I wanted it to, my make-up was decent, and most importantly, my eyebrows were on point. I felt good about myself and snapped a picture and then decided that I needed to update all of my social media on my good face day. In all honesty, I probably felt that I looked great on the outside because of how great I was feeling on the inside. Seriously, that day, after a phenomenal day in class, I had spent the afternoon with my boyfriend and the night with my IHOP-every-week group of friends. Who wouldn't feel fantastic for all of that?

Realistically, lots and lots of girls, and lets not forget boys, have low self-esteem. It is because we are forced to look at manufactured perfection every single day. Unrealistic body images and photo-shopped faces are plastered all over the "walls" of our everyday life. Imagine you actually loving the body and face that God painted just for you. As an aspiring artist, I wouldn't want someone to hate the artwork I made for them.

It's time to break down that "wall." Tell yourself that you are beautiful or handsome, or drop dead gorgeous and then go tell someone else that. I am not saying that I don't have any doubts about myself, because I am not perfect, no one is, but I'm saying that when I see a girl who I think is stunning, I'm also telling myself that I look stunning too.

I have dry, oily skin. I have split ends. My eyebrows are either really bushy or sparse. My teeth are crooked. My face breaks out once in a while and leaves acne scars. I am not the skinniest person. I have jiggly thighs that touch. I do not have the sought after breast size and toned butt that men are looking for although I will never ever understand the appeal. My feet are longer than most and I think my nose is too big for my face. I am not perfect but I believe I am beautiful. And you are too.

So stop.
Wear make-up because you want to.
Work out because you want to.
Eat right because you want to.
Wear that outfit because you want to.

Eat an entire box of pizza because you want to. Although I am hoping that you'll share with me.

Until next time,


P.S. For the person who inspired this post, I hope this changes your mind.        

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