Thursday, October 9, 2014

Let's Get Physical...The Exercise Kind.

Hello again internet!

Today I decided that I want to look and feel healthy. I realized that I have so much energy in the middle of the day but I don't put that energy to good use. I use it to binge watch Grey's Anatomy and New Girl, but is that really what I should be doing? (Yes, but I'm an adult now so in reality the answer is no.)

I have never been one to regularly go to the gym. I tried my freshman year of college, but I couldn't muster up enough motivation to keep up with it. I also tried running at the park and focusing on DDP Yoga. Let's just say, I wasn't into it. To me, working out is so incredibly boring. I need to find a routine that I can work at my own pace AND have fun doing it.

Why am I telling you this though!? It's because if I don't make it public that this is what I want to do, then I won't do it. There won't be anyone to call me out and say "Hey! I thought you wanted to go out and get healthy?! Get off your butt and keep going!" So, that's where you all come in. You can be my peanut gallery. *buh dum tsss* Get it? Because peanuts are good for you? Ha!

Anyway, I wanted to share that I have reached that point in my 20's where I have set a goal to get healthy. I'm not a complete failure though. I rarely drink soda and started drinking more water and tea. I started realizing that I actually do like some veggies. (Veggies and I have never been friends). And I started looking at ways to change my diet. I will not, however, give up late night pancakes or waffles. I said I wanted to get healthy, not send myself into a spiraling depression. 

Lastly, I'd like to add that there is a difference between working out to be healthy and working out because of another individual or group of people. Choose to be healthy. It's way more fun noticing the progress you made for yourself instead of nitpicking and not knowing if the progress you made is good enough for someone else.

Honestly, it's going to be a long, tough road ahead but I think I am ready. If you have any tips or tricks, feel free to let me know! Hopefully, Future Lis will be proud of my accomplishments!

Until next time, Lis.

P.S. Future Lis, I am so incredibly sorry for the soreness that is about to come...        

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