Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Let's Not And Say We Did.

It's been awhile! 

I think it's really funny when people ask "oh, so when are you and your boyfriend going to get married?" Or "when are you and him going to have kids??" Stop. Let me stop you right there. 

Although I applaud those of you who have gotten married young and now have children, because come on, that takes some serious courage; I, for one, am not ready for that. I think it's great that you have found your one and only at a young age and are now caring for cute kids with chubby cheeks! However, that is not the life for me. 

Although, he and I have been together for quite some time, we have no intentions of being married to one another at the moment. Nor do we want kids. I know there's this "baby fever" going around but he and I both got the vaccine for that and are completely immune. 

It is very important to both of us that our 20's are focused primarily on our goals, dreams, and our kind of excitement. I'm not saying that your child's first steps aren't exciting, I'm saying that exciting to me right now is road trips with great friends, trying new food, rock climbing, living in an apartment where I can freely walk around half clothed with a fridge stocked with Angry Orchard, and hopefully in the near future, sky diving out of a plane. 

I can honestly say that I enjoy my guy's company, support, and friendship. I can even say that I feel a love for him that exceeds a love I have for any other person. I know my friends see it, I know my family sees it, but that doesn't mean we are going to get married soon. We make faces everytime someone mentions it. It's not because we don't love each other, we just don't want to! 

We joke around often about marriage and babies, and it usually ends with a lot of laughter and both of us rolling our eyes and telling the other to "shut up." Children are scary anyways. They jump off of things, put unidentified objects in their mouth, and literally just this afternoon, we talked about babies who have SIDS. SIDS! That's some scary stuff that I am NOT prepared for! Not to mention carrying around another human who is basically a parasite in my uterus for 9 months just isn't that appealing right now. Or at any time. Seriously, congrats to those of you who have already had kids. You're the real MVP. 

So our families (and friends) can relax, I am not going to be making anyone a grandma or grandpa anytime soon. Unless you include my dogs because in that case, then you're already a grandparent. 

Lastly, to my wonderful boyfriend, let's not get married. I'd rather have you by my side jumping out of airplanes. 

- Lis

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