Thursday, November 13, 2014

Art Talk Thursday: Progress.

Hello, Again! I am SO SO sorry for not writing an "Art Talk Tuesday" but I didn't feel like I had enough done on my sculpture to write a blog about so I decided to take the work I did on Tuesday and cram it in with the work I did today. So, let's get started!


So on this day, I wasn't feeling the greatest. I had a migraine and wasn't 100% focused on my work which resulted in very little getting done. I managed to get the top pockets on and draw out where I would like to put his collar for his uniform. 

Then, after finishing with that, I worked on getting a neck and head made. To do this, I simply made what are called "coils" and piled them on top of each other and blended them in together. At this point, from the waist down is not 100% dry but maybe about 75%. It's still at the point where if I were to put water on it, I could still mold it but I'd rather just leave it how it is!


Today, I managed to get his head on and then was instructed to sketch out his face. His helmet is actually part of his head and all I did to create the rim of the helmet was wrap a long coil around the length of his head. Then I CAREFULLY pushed out the top of the helmet to give it a more round appearance and then blended it in.

This is just a closer look at his face. It looks kind of creepy but a lot of people were calling him cute! :)

And this is the side view. Here you can see that I pushed out where his chin is supposed to be and I also started trying to push out and form his nose and brow bone!

You can't tell from these pictures, but I did not close up his helmet just yet. I still need to give him cheek bones and maybe push out his nose a little further and make it strong and structured. Hopefully by next Thursday, I will have learned how to put arms on him. I'm incredibly worried about that part but I have full confidence in my professor's ideas! 

Since he is about 30 inches tall now, my professor is probably going to cut him in half so that we can fit him into a kiln to be fired. Imagine my total heartbreak when I have to cut into this guy after all this hard work! I am not ready.

Besides playing with clay, I am working on a few canvas pieces. However, I can only show you two of them since the other five are actually Christmas gifts and shall be kept a secret until then! Once I get the canvas and other materials I need, I'll go ahead and begin the "start to finish" process on those! 

 That's all I have for Art Talk Thursday! Thanks for reading! 

Until next time,

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