Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Art Talk Tuesday?!?!

It's Tuesday! 
And not only is it pouring rain outside but I have a couple of things to say. 

For starters, I want to thank all of you for taking the time out of your day to actually read my blog! It's nice to know that there are other human beings out there that actually want to read what I have to say and it's great motivation to keep on writing so good job on you for being supportive! 
I smile every time I log in because I can see that the number of readers I have on each post keeps on going up and it's absolutely amazing and shocking and just give yourself a pat on the back for making my day and night and everything in between.

*round of applause*

Next order of business, to try and keep things entertaining and fun, I wanted to start talking about specific subjects on certain days. I've seen this strategy on other blogs and thought it would be fun to try out! It will probably get me to write more but I am sure that I am going to miss a day or two or three so bear with me because I'm such a newb and I need patience. 

I haven't thought about what I want each day's subject to be yet, so if you have any ideas just let me know! I know for sure that I want to dedicate 2 days out of the week for "Art Talk" and I'm thinking that those 2 days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays since I do most of my art-ing then. 

The rest of the days I'll figure out soon but at least now we have "Art Talk!" And since today is in fact Tuesday, I'll go ahead and show you the progress on "Colonel Kernel." 
Yup, I just did that. 

I am now just realizing that his belt is on crooked...
Moving on, I had to use a tiny carving tool to get into the clay and give a 3D appearance without actually making it 3D.

Although, his pockets are actually 3D and so are those 2 rectangular shapes on him, everything else as far as the belt and seams are carved out. (Which took a lot of patience and love!)

Today, the only thing I added on was the belt details and the details on his legs. Most toy soldiers have that thin plastic all around them from the manufacturer that makes it seem like he was broken from a mold and they just left it on.

I wanted to add that detail about the "breaking from a mold" because I felt like it would give the audience a more direct clue as to what my sculpture is being modeled after. I think he looks pretty great considering Taco said that I looked stressed and fed up with working on him. 

I should be done with him by next week. I am hoping to go in tomorrow after classes and work on giving him shoulders and arms. If all goes well, he will have a head on Thursday and then next week I can start glazing! Hoorah!

Until next time, 

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